The Savages Wikia
The Roman Holiday
The Conflict of Interest
Season Two Teaser

The Roman Holiday

The Conflict of Interest

Season Two Teaser

The Roman Holiday
The Conflict of Interest
Season Two Teaser

Welcome to the The Savages Wiki, a database for all episodes, characters, and songs from REBELReloaded's new fanfiction series, The Savages. Currently, this wiki has 380 articles. If you love this fanfiction, feel free to help by creating or editing articles...enjoy!
Current stats:
8,258 edits | 380 articles | 1 users


The Savages is an all-new upcoming fanfiction series written, produced, and directed by REBƎLReloaded, creator of Glee: Make It or Break It and Glee: Los Angeles. Departing from the Glee's "new generation" concept, the series focuses on a group of users on Glee Wiki, most known for their notoriety, unusual behavior, talent, and diversity - these members are called The Savages. In comparison to his previous fanfictions, Trae uses musical covers from artists.


Alex Herrera
Carl Touché
Gina Woods
Joe Bender
Lily Blossom
Nate Osbourne
Sydney Prescott
Trae Ventura
